Here’s The Strangest {Coupon/Sale}
You’ve Ever Seen...

Dear {Friend},

I love {match books}! In fact, I’m a little crazy about any kind of {matches} (I guess everyone needs a hobby).

I’ve picked them up from all over the world and now I’m looking for more...

That’s why this weekend anyone who brings in a {book of matches} gets {%% discount} off anything {in the store/on the menu}.

That’s a {%% discount} off -- up to {$$$} off – for every matchbook you bring in! Which means – you can make your OWN discount!

That’s right! Got a {match book} from the {new bistro} down the road? How about that fancy hot spot with the snooty waiters?

... I’ll take it! Wherever you have {matches} from -- I’ll pay you for them!

So this weekend, {dates} bring in a whole pile of {matches} and save up to {$$$}!

I look forward to seeing you.

{Your Name}