Insert Company Letterhead Here.

Date Here

Your Name Here
Your Address Here

Dear {Client_Name}:

This {Holiday/Occasion}, I’ve decided to do something special for a handful of our most special and preferred customers…

… Instead of sending you some card or a box of candy, I thought I could give you something, which hopefully, will be much more appreciated... a gift of {key benefit of the product/service you’re endorsing}.

That’s why I decided to buy you a {product/service}.

These {products/services} are normally a {$} value, but it’s my gift to you for simply being a valued customer.

The {product/service} comes complete with {features}, which I think will help you {list benefits here}.

… And before you raise a suspicious eyebrow, let me assure you:

There is absolutely NO catch, NO future obligation, and NO cost to you.

This is just something I thought you would really enjoy.

To claim your FREE {product/service}, simply call {phone #} and {insert pick up /scheduling instructions here}.

Tell them {Your Name} at {Your Company} bought this for you.

Enjoy, and thanks again for all of your business this year.


{Your Name Here}

P.S. Remember, there’s absolutely no strings attached to getting the free {product/service}. It’s my gift to you for being a preferred customer.